Rangers Football Club has set a new precedent in Scotland by hosting bespoke gambling education sessions tailored specifically for top-level athletes. This initiative aims to foster a healthy relationship between athletes and the gambling industry, highlighting the club’s commitment to the well-being of its players.

Rangers Football Club Leads the Way with Bespoke Gambling Education Sessions

Collaboration with Epic Global Solutions

The bespoke education sessions were conducted by Epic Global Solutions, an independent consultancy specializing in gambling harm minimization. Epic Global Solutions utilized the lived experiences of former professional athletes to deliver impactful education on safe gambling practices. This unique approach provided participants with relatable insights and practical strategies to manage their relationship with gambling effectively.

Inclusive and Open Environment

The sessions were held in an open environment, encouraging candid discussions among all participants. This inclusive approach allowed members of the men’s first team, women’s team, and selected academy squads to share their personal experiences and perspectives on gambling. Such openness is vital in addressing the complexities of gambling behaviors and fostering a supportive community within the club.

Support from Kindred: Celebrating a Decade-Long Partnership

The initiative received substantial backing from Kindred, the club’s principal sponsor. In celebration of their ten-year partnership with Rangers, Kindred has dedicated its front-of-shirt sponsorship to its “Zero % Mission,” which aims to eliminate revenue derived from harmful gambling practices. This sponsorship underscores Kindred’s commitment to promoting responsible gambling and supporting initiatives that safeguard players and fans alike.

Positive Feedback from Key Figures

Jack Butland on the Importance of Support

Rangers goalkeeper Jack Butland emphasized the significance of the club’s proactive stance on gambling education. He stated, “Any addiction can dramatically affect your life, your family’s life, and ultimately your career as well. That’s why it is so important that the club is taking this seriously and offering this support, and why it’s great to work with Epic and Kindred on this.”

Carolanne Gay on Leading by Example

Carolanne Gay, Academy Education Executive at Rangers Football Club, highlighted the club’s leadership role in this matter. She noted, “It is important to all at the club to take the lead on this matter. We realized the importance of working with sector experts to better educate and safeguard players and staff at all levels. We’re grateful to Kindred and Epic for their support and guidance, and we hope that the sessions will be of great benefit in the future.”

Impact and Future Prospects

Comprehensive Education for Sustainable Impact

The comprehensive education provided through these sessions is expected to have a lasting impact on the players and staff at Rangers Football Club. By equipping participants with the knowledge and tools to manage gambling responsibly, the club is fostering a culture of awareness and support that extends beyond the playing field.

A Model for Other Clubs

Rangers’ pioneering efforts in gambling education set a powerful example for other football clubs in Scotland and beyond. By taking proactive steps to address gambling-related issues, Rangers Football Club is not only protecting its players but also contributing to the broader conversation on responsible gambling in sports.

Conclusion: Rangers’ Commitment to Player Well-being

Rangers Football Club’s bespoke gambling education sessions, conducted in collaboration with Epic Global Solutions and supported by Kindred, represent a significant step forward in promoting responsible gambling. This initiative underscores the club’s commitment to the well-being of its players and sets a new standard for other sports organizations to follow. Through continuous education and support, Rangers is paving the way for a healthier and more informed approach to gambling within the sports community.

FAQs on Rangers Football Club’s Bespoke Gambling Education Sessions

1. What initiative has Rangers Football Club recently launched?

Rangers Football Club has launched bespoke gambling education sessions tailored specifically for top-level athletes to foster a healthy relationship with the gambling industry.

2. Who conducted these gambling education sessions?

The sessions were conducted by Epic Global Solutions, an independent consultancy specializing in gambling harm minimization.

3. What makes these sessions unique?

These sessions are unique because they draw on the lived experiences of former professional athletes to provide relatable and practical insights into managing gambling responsibly.

4. Who participated in these education sessions?

Participants included members of the men’s first team, women’s team, and selected academy squads at Rangers Football Club.

5. What was the environment of the sessions like?

The sessions were held in an open and inclusive environment, encouraging candid discussions and the sharing of personal experiences and perspectives on gambling.

6. Who funded this initiative?

The initiative was funded by Kindred, the principal sponsor of Rangers Football Club, as part of their decade-long partnership.

7. What is Kindred’s “Zero % Mission”?

Kindred’s “Zero % Mission” is an initiative aimed at eliminating revenue derived from harmful gambling practices, highlighted by their front-of-shirt sponsorship with Rangers.

8. What did Rangers goalkeeper Jack Butland say about the initiative?

Jack Butland emphasized the importance of the club’s proactive stance on gambling education, noting that addiction can dramatically affect one’s life and career, and expressed support for the collaboration with Epic and Kindred.

9. What did Carolanne Gay, Academy Education Executive, say about the sessions?

Carolanne Gay highlighted the club’s leadership role in gambling education, stressing the importance of working with sector experts to better educate and safeguard players and staff at all levels.

1o. What is the expected impact of these gambling education sessions?

The sessions are expected to have a lasting impact by equipping players and staff with the knowledge and tools to manage gambling responsibly, fostering a culture of awareness and support within the club.

11. How does this initiative serve as a model for other clubs?

Rangers’ proactive efforts in gambling education set a powerful example for other football clubs, demonstrating the importance of addressing gambling-related issues and promoting responsible gambling in sports.

12. How does this initiative align with Rangers Football Club’s commitment?

This initiative underscores Rangers Football Club’s commitment to the well-being of its players by providing continuous education and support for responsible gambling.

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