The Macau Government has officially reclaimed the land previously leased to the Macau Jockey’s Club (MJC), marking a significant shift in the region’s land use and development plans. Covering an expansive area of 363,192 square metres, this land was historically home to MJC’s horseracing course. The reclamation has sparked widespread interest and speculation about the future of this prime real estate in Macau.

Jockey Club Land

Historical Context of the Land Lease

The Macau Jockey’s Club had been leasing this land since 31 December 1995. Over the years, the lease was renewed multiple times, with the most recent agreement being a 24-year concession set to expire on 31 August 2042. Despite this extended lease period, the Macau Government announced in January that the MJC’s concession would terminate on 1 April 2024. This decision was executed by Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário, who officially reclaimed the land after the concession’s end.

Transition of Land to State Property

Following the termination of the MJC’s concession, the 363,192 square metres of land has been reclassified as state property. The Macau Government has made it clear that the MJC will not receive any compensation for the termination of the lease. This move is part of a broader strategy by the government to reclaim and repurpose land for state use and future development.

Future Use of the Reclaimed Land

As of now, the Macau Government has not finalized any specific plans for the future use of the reclaimed land. Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng addressed this issue during an April Legislative Assembly meeting, indicating that any potential development on the land would likely span “eight to ten years.” He also confirmed that the land would not be used for gambling activities, aligning with Macau’s strategic diversification away from its heavy reliance on the gambling industry.

Financial Challenges of the Macau Jockey’s Club

The Macau Jockey’s Club, operated by the Macau Horse Race Co. since 1989, has been struggling financially for several years. These financial difficulties have intensified recently, leading to the government’s decision to terminate the horseracing concession. The official termination of the concession on 1 April 2024 marked the end of an era for horseracing in Macau.

Impact on Macau’s Leisure and Tourism Sector

The reclamation of the land leased to the MJC and the subsequent end of horseracing activities represent a significant change for Macau’s leisure and tourism sector. The Macau Jockey’s Club had been a notable part of the region’s entertainment landscape. However, the government’s focus on repurposing the land for non-gambling related activities signals a strategic shift towards diversifying Macau’s attractions and economic drivers.

Speculations and Prospects for Development

With the land now under state control, there is considerable speculation about its potential uses. Given its size and location, the land could be repurposed for a variety of projects, including:

  • Residential Developments: Addressing housing demands in Macau.
  • Commercial Projects: Attracting businesses and boosting the local economy.
  • Public Amenities and Parks: Enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Government’s Vision for Macau’s Future

The reclamation aligns with Macau’s broader vision to diversify its economy and reduce dependency on the gambling industry. By reclaiming and repurposing significant land areas, the government aims to create a more balanced and sustainable economic structure. This includes encouraging investments in technology, tourism, and other non-gambling sectors.

Reactions from Stakeholders

The decision to reclaim the land has elicited mixed reactions from various stakeholders. While some view it as a necessary step towards economic diversification and modernization, others are concerned about the immediate impact on those who were directly involved with the MJC.

Positive Reception

Supporters of the government’s decision argue that reclaiming the land is a forward-thinking move that will ultimately benefit Macau’s economy and its residents. By repurposing the land for diversified uses, the government can attract new investments and create job opportunities outside the gambling sector.

Concerns and Criticisms

On the other hand, critics are worried about the short-term repercussions, particularly the loss of jobs associated with the MJC. They also highlight the uncertainty surrounding the future development plans and the timeline for these projects to materialize.

Strategic Importance of the Reclaimed Land

The reclaimed land holds significant strategic importance for Macau’s urban planning and development. Its potential transformation could serve as a catalyst for further economic reforms and infrastructural advancements in the region.

Urban Development

As Macau continues to grow, the reclaimed land provides a unique opportunity to expand urban development projects. This could include the construction of new residential areas, business districts, and recreational facilities, all of which would contribute to a more dynamic and versatile urban environment.

Economic Diversification

The shift away from gambling-focused activities on this land underscores Macau’s commitment to economic diversification. By exploring various development avenues, the government aims to create a more resilient economy capable of withstanding fluctuations in the gambling industry.


The Macau Government’s decision to reclaim the land leased to the Macau Jockey’s Club marks a significant turning point for the region. This move not only ends a longstanding lease agreement but also opens up vast opportunities for future development and economic diversification. As the government considers various potential uses for the land, the focus remains on creating a balanced, sustainable, and thriving economic environment in Macau.

FAQs About the Macau Government Reclaims Jockey Club Land

1. What land has the Macau Government reclaimed?

The Macau Government has reclaimed 363,192 square metres of land previously leased to the Macau Jockey’s Club (MJC).

2. Why is the reclamation of this land significant?

This reclamation marks a major shift in Macau’s land use and development plans, sparking widespread interest and speculation about the future of this prime real estate.

3. What was the historical context of the land lease?

The Macau Jockey’s Club had been leasing the land since December 31, 1995. The lease was renewed multiple times, with the latest agreement being a 24-year concession set to expire on August 31, 2042. However, the government announced in January that the concession would end on April 1, 2024.

4. What will happen to the land now that the concession has ended?

The land has been reclassified as state property. The Macau Government has stated that the MJC will not receive compensation for the termination of the lease.

5. What are the future plans for the reclaimed land?

As of now, the Macau Government has not finalized any specific plans for the land. However, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng indicated that any development would likely take “eight to ten years” and confirmed that the land would not be used for gambling activities.

6. Why did the Macau Government terminate the MJC’s concession early?

The Macau Jockey’s Club has been facing financial difficulties for several years, which contributed to the government’s decision to terminate the horseracing concession.

7. How does the land reclamation impact Macau’s leisure and tourism sector?

The end of horseracing activities represents a significant change for Macau’s leisure and tourism sector. The government’s focus on repurposing the land for non-gambling activities aligns with its strategic shift towards diversifying Macau’s attractions and economic drivers.

8. What are some potential uses for the reclaimed land?

Potential uses for the land include residential developments, commercial projects, and public amenities such as parks.

9. What is the government’s vision for Macau’s future?

The government aims to diversify Macau’s economy and reduce dependency on the gambling industry. By reclaiming and repurposing significant land areas, the goal is to create a more balanced and sustainable economic structure, encouraging investments in technology, tourism, and other non-gambling sectors.

10. What are the reactions from various stakeholders regarding the land reclamation?

Reactions are mixed. Supporters view the decision as a forward-thinking move for economic diversification, while critics are concerned about the immediate impact on those involved with the MJC and the uncertainty surrounding future development plans.

11. How is the reclaimed land strategically important for Macau?

The reclaimed land is crucial for urban planning and development. Its potential transformation could drive economic reforms and infrastructural advancements, supporting a more dynamic and versatile urban environment.

12. How does this land reclamation contribute to economic diversification in Macau?

By shifting away from gambling-focused activities, the land reclamation underscores Macau’s commitment to economic diversification. This approach aims to build a resilient economy capable of withstanding fluctuations in the gambling industry.

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