Light & Wonder has announced a long-term partnership with Jelly Entertainment, a prominent B2B supplier in the gaming industry. This strategic collaboration aims to expand Jelly Entertainment’s brand recognition and customer base through the distribution of a range of engaging slot titles via Light & Wonder’s robust platforms.

Light & Wonder Partners with Jelly Entertainment




Expanding Reach Through Diverse Slot Titles

For Jelly Entertainment, this partnership represents a substantial opportunity to introduce its innovative slot games to new audiences in key regulated markets. Notable titles such as Elixir of Wealth, Muertos Fortune, and Wicked Riches of Oz will now be available to players through Light & Wonder’s extensive distribution channels. These games, known for their captivating themes and dynamic gameplay, are expected to resonate strongly with players across various regions.

Key Regulated Markets: UK, Spain, and Italy

The collaboration will initially focus on the UK, Spain, and Italy—three of the most prominent and competitive markets in the iGaming sector. By leveraging Light & Wonder’s established presence in these regions, Jelly Entertainment can ensure that its games reach a wide and diverse audience. This strategic distribution is designed to not only enhance Jelly’s market penetration but also to enrich the gaming experience for players in these countries.

Targeting Growth in Latin America

Beyond the European markets, Jelly Entertainment has its sights set on expanding into Latin America. The partnership with Light & Wonder includes plans to target the burgeoning iGaming markets in Colombia and Peru. Recognized as key areas for growth, these markets offer substantial opportunities for Jelly Entertainment to establish a strong foothold and cater to a rapidly growing player base.

Regulatory Approvals: A Step Towards Greater Expansion

In November, Jelly Entertainment secured crucial regulatory approvals from The Gambling Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority. These approvals not only validate the company’s commitment to compliance and responsible gaming but also pave the way for its expansion into new territories. With these certifications, Jelly Entertainment is well-positioned to enter and thrive in additional regulated markets, further supported by its partnership with Light & Wonder.

Executive Insights on the Partnership

David Newstead, CEO of Jelly Entertainment

Commenting on the partnership, David Newstead, CEO of Jelly Entertainment, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration: “We have challenged ourselves to grow the Jelly brand and reach more players than ever this year, and our new deal with Light & Wonder will certainly help us achieve that.” Newstead’s statement highlights the strategic importance of this deal in Jelly’s broader growth strategy and its mission to deliver exceptional gaming experiences to a global audience.

Steve Mayes, Senior Director of Digital Partnerships at Light & Wonder

Steve Mayes, Senior Director of Digital Partnerships at Light & Wonder, also shared his excitement about the collaboration: “We are delighted to be working with Jelly Entertainment and are looking forward to offering their high-quality content across our network. Elevating emerging and upcoming game developers is a top priority for us, and we are particularly excited to showcase Jelly and their great gaming experiences now available on the Light & Wonder platform.”

Light & Wonder’s Commitment to Elevating iGaming

This partnership with Jelly Entertainment is part of Light & Wonder’s broader strategy to enhance its offerings and solidify its position as a leading player in the iGaming industry. By integrating Jelly’s unique and engaging slot titles into its platform, Light & Wonder continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing diverse and high-quality gaming options to its customers.

A Positive Start to 2024

The collaboration comes on the heels of a positive start to 2024 for Light & Wonder, with recent reports indicating robust performance in the first quarter. This momentum is expected to continue as the company leverages new partnerships to drive growth and innovation in the iGaming space.

Looking Ahead: Strategic Goals and Future Prospects

As Light & Wonder and Jelly Entertainment embark on this long-term partnership, both companies are poised to achieve significant milestones. The strategic alignment aims to foster innovation, expand market reach, and ultimately enhance the gaming experience for players worldwide.

Innovation and Player Engagement

Innovation remains at the forefront of this partnership, with both companies committed to developing and distributing games that captivate and engage players. By focusing on unique themes, advanced gameplay mechanics, and immersive experiences, Jelly Entertainment and Light & Wonder are set to raise the bar in the iGaming industry.

Market Expansion and Brand Growth

For Jelly Entertainment, the partnership with Light & Wonder is a critical step in its journey to expand its market presence and grow its brand. With access to Light & Wonder’s extensive distribution network and market expertise, Jelly is well-equipped to reach new audiences and establish a strong presence in key regions.

Mutual Benefits and Strategic Synergy

The collaboration is designed to be mutually beneficial, leveraging the strengths and capabilities of both companies. Light & Wonder gains access to Jelly’s innovative game portfolio, enhancing its content offerings, while Jelly benefits from Light & Wonder’s market reach and distribution capabilities.

Conclusion: The Partnership

The new partnership between Light & Wonder and Jelly Entertainment marks a significant milestone in the iGaming industry. By combining their strengths, both companies are set to deliver exceptional gaming experiences to players across multiple regions. This strategic collaboration not only supports Jelly Entertainment’s growth ambitions but also reinforces Light & Wonder’s commitment to elevating its platform with high-quality content.

FAQs About the Light & Wonder and Jelly Entertainment Partnership

1. What is the new partnership between Light & Wonder and Jelly Entertainment?

The new partnership is a long-term collaboration where Light & Wonder will distribute Jelly Entertainment’s slot games via its platforms to expand Jelly’s brand recognition and customer base.

2. What are some of the slot titles included in this partnership?

The partnership will include popular slot titles such as Elixir of Wealth, Muertos Fortune, and Wicked Riches of Oz.

3. In which markets will Jelly Entertainment’s games be distributed through Light & Wonder?

The games will be distributed in key regulated markets including the UK, Spain, and Italy. Additionally, Jelly Entertainment is targeting the Latin American markets, specifically Colombia and Peru.

4. What regulatory approvals has Jelly Entertainment recently secured?

In November, Jelly Entertainment secured regulatory approvals from The Gambling Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority.

5. What did David Newstead, CEO of Jelly Entertainment, say about the partnership?

David Newstead expressed enthusiasm, stating: “We have challenged ourselves to grow the Jelly brand and reach more players than ever this year, and our new deal with Light & Wonder will certainly help us achieve that.”

6. How did Steve Mayes, Senior Director of Digital Partnerships at Light & Wonder, comment on the collaboration?

Steve Mayes said: “We are delighted to be working with Jelly Entertainment and are looking forward to offering their high-quality content across our network. Elevating emerging and upcoming game developers is a top priority for us, and we are particularly excited to showcase Jelly and their great gaming experiences now available on the Light & Wonder platform.”

7. What is the strategic goal of Light & Wonder with this partnership?

Light & Wonder aims to enhance its content offerings and solidify its position as a leading player in the iGaming industry by integrating Jelly’s innovative and engaging slot titles into its platform.

8. How is the partnership expected to benefit Jelly Entertainment?

The partnership is expected to significantly expand Jelly Entertainment’s market reach and brand presence by leveraging Light & Wonder’s extensive distribution network and market expertise.

9. What impact does this partnership have on the iGaming industry?

The collaboration is set to raise the bar in the iGaming industry by delivering exceptional gaming experiences, fostering innovation, and expanding market reach for both companies.

10. How has Light & Wonder’s performance been in early 2024?

Light & Wonder reported a positive start to 2024 with robust performance in the first quarter, which is expected to continue with new partnerships driving growth and innovation.

11. What are the future prospects for the partnership between Light & Wonder and Jelly Entertainment?

The future prospects include fostering innovation, expanding market reach, and enhancing the gaming experience for players worldwide, with a focus on mutual benefits and strategic synergy.

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