Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, has unveiled plans for a groundbreaking initiative to combat the proliferation of online gambling within the nation. 

Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi


In a proactive move to address the escalating issue of online gambling, Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, has rolled out an ambitious plan. This initiative aims to tackle the surge in illegal gambling activities by establishing a robust framework for enforcement and regulation.

Efforts to Combat Online Gambling

In recent years, Indonesia has witnessed a sharp rise in online gambling, posing significant challenges to societal well-being and public order. Minister Setiadi has responded swiftly, leading the charge in blocking nearly one million gambling-related websites within just six months. This decisive action underscores the government’s firm commitment to curbing illicit gambling practices and safeguarding citizens.

Formation of an Integrated Task Force

Central to Minister Setiadi’s strategy is the creation of an integrated task force dedicated to eradicating online gambling. This task force will serve as a collaborative platform, bringing together various ministries and institutions to streamline efforts and enhance effectiveness. By fostering closer coordination, the task force aims to address the multifaceted challenges posed by online gambling comprehensively.

Coordination and Enforcement

The Ministry of Communication and Information will assume a pivotal role within the task force, focusing on the identification and dismantling of online gambling platforms. Concurrently, enforcement measures will be delegated to relevant authorities and law enforcement agencies, ensuring swift and decisive action against perpetrators. This coordinated approach seeks to disrupt the operations of illegal gambling networks effectively.

Minister Setiadi’s Vision

Minister Setiadi has underscored the urgency of tackling online gambling, emphasizing its illegality under Indonesian law. He has stressed the imperative of implementing enhanced measures to combat this illicit activity effectively. Through this initiative, the government reaffirms its unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens from the perils of online gambling.

ACMA’s Actions Against Illegal Gambling

While Indonesia intensifies its efforts to combat online gambling, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has also taken decisive action. During the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, ACMA uncovered 18 offshore services operating in breach of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. This underscores the global nature of the challenge posed by illegal gambling activities.

Indonesia’s Minister: A Bold Initiative

Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, has embarked on a bold initiative to combat the proliferation of online gambling within the nation. Through concerted efforts, including the formation of an integrated task force and enhanced coordination, Indonesia seeks to address the challenges posed by online gambling effectively. Minister Setiadi’s vision underscores the government’s unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens from the harms of illicit gambling activities.

FAQs: Indonesia’s Initiative to Combat Online Gambling

1. What prompted Minister Setiadi’s initiative to combat online gambling?

Minister Setiadi’s initiative was prompted by the alarming rise in online gambling activities in Indonesia, which posed significant societal and regulatory challenges.

2. How effective has Minister Setiadi’s approach been in curbing online gambling?

Minister Setiadi’s approach has demonstrated notable effectiveness, with the blocking of nearly one million gambling-related websites within a span of six months.

3. What role will the integrated task force play in combating online gambling?

The integrated task force will serve as a collaborative platform, fostering closer coordination between ministries and institutions to streamline efforts and enhance effectiveness in combating online gambling.

4. How will coordination and enforcement be ensured within the task force?

Coordination and enforcement will be ensured through the concerted efforts of the Ministry of Communication and Information, alongside relevant authorities and law enforcement agencies, to identify and dismantle online gambling platforms swiftly.

5. What is Minister Setiadi’s vision regarding online gambling in Indonesia?

Minister Setiadi’s vision is rooted in the urgent need to address online gambling comprehensively, emphasizing its illegality under Indonesian law and the government’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens from harm.

6. What actions has ACMA taken against illegal gambling operations?

ACMA has taken decisive action against illegal gambling operations, particularly during the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, uncovering 18 offshore services operating in breach of relevant legislation.

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