In a significant move to combat illegal betting and bolster the authorised gambling industry, Colombian regulator Coljuegos has joined forces with the Government of Chocó. This initiative aims to dismantle criminal structures financed by illegal betting and ensure that the revenue generated from legal gambling supports crucial public services, particularly health care.

Colombian regulator Coljuegos has joined forces with the Government of Chocó

Earlier in 2024, Coljuegos signed similar agreements with the departments of Tolima, Huila, and Sucre. The collaboration with Chocó marks another step in a broader effort to enforce gambling regulations across Colombia.

Commitment to Address Social Needs and Illegality

Marco Emilio Hincapié, President of Coljuegos, emphasized the importance of this partnership, stating, “The department of Chocó has great social needs. For this reason, we are committed to pursuing illegality and guaranteeing that health resources reach the territories that need them most. We know that illegal gaming situations occur in Chocó. Municipalities in the San Juan sector are affected by Keno, a game that is not authorised and for which we are working to build regulation. We also see that raffles that operate without authorisation and that go against the provisions of the law are common.”

A Path Towards Legality and Health Improvement

Governor Nubia Carolina Córdoba highlighted the mutual benefits of this agreement, noting, “This is an opportunity for us, together, to fight against illegality and corruption, and to ensure that the resources that come from this monopoly can benefit the well-being of the citizens who need it most. With this pact we are on the path towards legality so that games of luck and chance are an engine for the health of Chocoanos and Chocoanas.”

Financial Impact of Legal Gambling

The financial implications of legal gambling are profound, with sales from authorised games contributing substantial funds to health services in Chocó. Jaime Fernández, legal representative of the Western Services Network, provided insight into the financial benefits, stating, “On average, from January 2023 to April of this year, we have managed to transfer $10m a day for health from chance sales. Furthermore, in Chocó we have 280 workers on the payroll and 1,200 independent installers who derive their livelihood from the activity we carry out.”

Strengthening the Gambling Industry

The alliance between Coljuegos and the Government of Chocó is poised to strengthen the legal gambling industry while addressing the pervasive issue of illegal betting. By ensuring that gambling revenues are directed towards public health and other essential services, this initiative promises to have a lasting positive impact on the community.

The Partnership

This partnership signifies a robust commitment to legal enforcement and the socio-economic development of Chocó. With continued efforts, the region aims to eradicate illegal betting activities, thereby fostering a safer and more regulated gambling environment for all.

FAQs on the Coljuegos and Government of Chocó Partnership to Combat Illegal Betting and Support Public Services

1. What is the main goal of the partnership between Coljuegos and the Government of Chocó?

The primary goal of the partnership is to dismantle criminal structures financed by illegal betting and ensure that revenue from legal gambling supports essential public services, particularly healthcare.

2. Why is Coljuegos focusing on the department of Chocó?

Chocó has significant social needs and is heavily affected by illegal gaming activities. The partnership aims to address these issues by promoting legal gambling, which will help fund healthcare services in the region.

3. What are some of the illegal gambling activities identified in Chocó?

In Chocó, illegal activities include unauthorized Keno games and raffles that operate without proper authorization, contravening legal provisions.

4. How does this partnership benefit the citizens of Chocó?

The collaboration aims to combat illegality and corruption, ensuring that the resources from legal gambling are used to benefit public health and other essential services for the citizens of Chocó.

5. What are the financial benefits of legal gambling in Chocó?

Legal gambling has a substantial financial impact, with sales from authorized games contributing significantly to health services. From January 2023 to April 2024, an average of $10 million per day was transferred to healthcare from chance sales.

6. How many people are employed in the legal gambling industry in Chocó?

The legal gambling industry in Chocó employs 280 workers on the payroll and 1,200 independent installers, providing livelihoods for many individuals in the region.

7. How does this initiative contribute to the socio-economic development of Chocó?

By ensuring that gambling revenues are directed towards public health and other essential services, the initiative supports the socio-economic development of Chocó, creating a safer and more regulated gambling environment.

8. What other regions have similar agreements with Coljuegos?

Earlier in 2024, Coljuegos signed similar agreements with the departments of Tolima, Huila, and Sucre, as part of a broader effort to enforce gambling regulations across Colombia.

9. What are the broader implications of this partnership for the gambling industry in Colombia?

The partnership is expected to strengthen the legal gambling industry in Colombia by addressing illegal betting and ensuring that revenues support public services, thereby fostering a more regulated and beneficial gambling environment nationwide.

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