After months of deliberations, Bulgaria has officially enacted a ban on gambling advertisements. President Rumen Radev signed the measure into law, restricting gambling companies from freely marketing their products across various media platforms.

Bulgaria’s New Gambling Ad Ban

The Ban on Gambling Ads

Under the new regulations, gambling operators are prohibited from advertising their products through all forms of media. However, there are some exceptions to this ban. Companies are still permitted to display gambling ads on billboards located at least 100 meters away from schools and on the facades of gaming halls. Additionally, TV broadcasts of national lottery draws are allowed.

Safer Gambling Messaging Requirement

All permitted gambling advertisements must include messaging promoting safer gambling practices, occupying at least 10% of the ad space.

Penalties for Violations

Operators who fail to comply with the new rules regarding gambling ads face fines of up to BGN 50,000 (approximately $27,815). Repeat offenders may have their licenses revoked, authorities have warned.

Legislative Changes and Additional Rules

In addition to the ban on gambling ads, the new legislation introduces further regulations:

  • Slot games and casino gaming are prohibited in areas with populations of fewer than 10,000 people, with exceptions for national resorts and border areas.
  • Companies applying for slot machine licenses must now possess a minimum capital of at least BGN 750,000/$417,000, up from BGN 500,000/$278,000.
  • Operators offering online gambling services must pay a BGN 100,000 ($55,600) social responsibility fee, with half of the funds allocated to problem gambling treatment organizations in the country.

Individuals receiving social assistance are prohibited from exiting the country’s self-exclusion scheme, aimed at promoting responsible gambling practices.

Legislative Approval and Opposition

Despite strong opposition from gambling and media companies in the country, an overwhelming majority of MPs (198) voted in favor of the bill, reflecting widespread support for stricter regulations on gambling advertising.

Conclusion: The Ban

The implementation of the ban on gambling ads in Bulgaria marks a significant step towards curbing the promotion of gambling activities and promoting responsible gambling practices. With stricter regulations in place and penalties for non-compliance, the government aims to mitigate the potential negative impacts of gambling while ensuring the protection of vulnerable individuals in society.

FAQs on Bulgaria’s Ban on Gambling Ads

1. What does Bulgaria’s new law on gambling ads entail?

Bulgaria’s new law prohibits gambling companies from freely marketing their products across various media platforms.

2. Are there any exceptions to the ban on gambling ads?

Yes, there are exceptions. Gambling ads are still allowed on billboards located at least 100 meters away from schools, on the facades of gaming halls, and during TV broadcasts of national lottery draws.

3. What requirement do permitted gambling advertisements need to meet?

All permitted gambling ads must include messaging promoting safer gambling practices, occupying at least 10% of the ad space.

4. What are the penalties for violating the new rules on gambling ads?

Operators who fail to comply with the new regulations may face fines of up to BGN 50,000 (approximately $27,815), and repeat offenders risk having their licenses revoked.

5. What additional rules does the new legislation introduce?

The new legislation also prohibits slot games and casino gaming in areas with populations of fewer than 10,000 people, introduces higher minimum capital requirements for slot machine licenses, imposes a social responsibility fee for online gambling operators, and restricts individuals receiving social assistance from exiting the country’s self-exclusion scheme.

6. How did the legislative approval process unfold?

Despite opposition from gambling and media companies, an overwhelming majority of MPs (198) voted in favor of the bill.

7. What is the goal of implementing stricter regulations on gambling advertising?

The goal is to curb the promotion of gambling activities and promote responsible gambling practices, while also protecting vulnerable individuals in society.

8. How will the social responsibility fee for online gambling operators be allocated?

Half of the funds from the social responsibility fee will be allocated to problem gambling treatment organizations in the country.

9. What impact is Bulgaria’s ban on gambling ads expected to have on the gambling industry?

The ban is expected to significantly restrict the marketing efforts of gambling companies and may lead to a shift in advertising strategies within the industry.

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