Wolverhampton Wanderers (Wolves) have announced a significant new multi-year partnership with the LeoVegas Group, designating BetMGM as the club’s official European betting partner for the next two seasons. This deal marks a notable expansion of the existing relationship between Wolves and LeoVegas, which began in the 2023/24 season when the LeoVegas brand was prominently featured on the front of Wolves’ training kits.

Wolves Announce Multi-Year Partnership with LeoVegas Group and BetMGM

Enhanced Branding and Visibility

Under the new partnership, BetMGM branding will be prominently displayed across various marketing platforms at Wolves’ home ground, Molineux Stadium. This includes the double-row pitch-side LED advertising system, static branding sites, and media interview backdrops. Additionally, BetMGM branding will be visible around Compton Park, the club’s training facility, ensuring extensive brand visibility throughout the next two seasons.

Comments from Wolves and BetMGM

Russell Jones, Wolves’ General Manager for Marketing and Commercial Growth, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, saying, “We’re delighted to announce this partnership with BetMGM UK and thank them for their support as we head into the 2024/25 Premier League season. Their support is invaluable to the club as we look to expand our portfolio of commercial partners and we look forward to working with the BetMGM team over the next two seasons.”

Sam Behar, UK Director at BetMGM, also shared his excitement, remarking, “It’s been almost a year since we started collaborating with the Wolves, and we are very excited to continue this successful, awareness-boosting partnership for the next two years. Wolves are one of the most established clubs in the Premier League, and we can’t wait to see them in the first game of the season against Arsenal in August.”

Wolves’ Growing Commercial Portfolio

The announcement of the BetMGM partnership comes on the heels of another significant commercial deal for Wolves. Earlier this month, the club signed a partnership agreement with Debet, making Debet the club’s principal and front-of-shirt partner for the next two seasons. These strategic partnerships highlight Wolves’ commitment to expanding their commercial portfolio and enhancing their brand presence both domestically and internationally.

Looking Ahead

As Wolves prepare for the upcoming 2024/25 Premier League season, the new partnerships with BetMGM and Debet signal a period of robust commercial growth and increased brand visibility. Fans and stakeholders alike can look forward to seeing the Wolves, bolstered by these partnerships, take on the new season with renewed vigor and support.

With the first game of the season against Arsenal set for August, Wolves are poised to make a strong impression both on and off the pitch, supported by their expanded network of commercial partners.

FAQs About Wolves’ Partnership with LeoVegas Group and BetMGM

1. What is the new partnership between Wolves and LeoVegas Group about?

Wolverhampton Wanderers (Wolves) have announced a multi-year partnership with the LeoVegas Group, designating BetMGM as the club’s official European betting partner for the next two seasons.

2. How long will the partnership between Wolves and BetMGM last?

The partnership will last for the next two seasons.

3. What previous relationship did Wolves have with LeoVegas Group?

Wolves began their relationship with LeoVegas in the 2023/24 season, during which the LeoVegas brand featured on the front of Wolves’ training kits.

4. Where will BetMGM branding be displayed?

BetMGM branding will be prominently displayed across various marketing platforms at Wolves’ home ground, Molineux Stadium. This includes the double-row pitch-side LED advertising system, static branding sites, media interview backdrops, and around Compton Park, the club’s training facility.

5. Who commented on the new partnership from Wolves?

Russell Jones, Wolves’ General Manager for Marketing and Commercial Growth, commented on the new partnership.

6. What did Russell Jones say about the partnership?

Russell Jones expressed delight in announcing the partnership with BetMGM UK, thanking them for their support as Wolves head into the 2024/25 Premier League season. He highlighted the importance of BetMGM’s support in expanding Wolves’ portfolio of commercial partners.

7. Who commented on the partnership from BetMGM?

Sam Behar, UK Director at BetMGM, commented on the partnership.

8. What did Sam Behar say about the partnership?

Sam Behar expressed excitement about continuing the successful, awareness-boosting partnership with Wolves. He noted that Wolves are one of the most established clubs in the Premier League and looked forward to seeing them in the first game of the season against Arsenal in August.

9. What other partnership did Wolves announce recently?

Wolves recently signed a partnership deal with Debet, which sees Debet as the club’s principal and front-of-shirt partner for the next two seasons.

10. What does this partnership mean for Wolves?

The partnerships with BetMGM and Debet signal a period of robust commercial growth and increased brand visibility for Wolves. These deals will support Wolves as they prepare for the 2024/25 Premier League season and expand their network of commercial partners.

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