In a decisive move to curb online gambling, Indonesian Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi has urged all National Access Providers (NAPs) to cut access to foreign internet lines, specifically those from Cambodia and the Philippines. This initiative targets online gambling sites suspected to be operating through these channels. The directive was officially communicated to NAP Service Providers through a letter dated June 21, 2024, giving them a strict three-working-day period to comply or face penalties.

Indonesian Minister Budi Arie Setiadi Urges NAPs to Block Foreign Internet Lines Linked to Online Gambling


The Directive

Minister Setiadi’s letter explicitly instructs NAP providers to sever connections to internet lines that are believed to be used for online gambling activities, with a particular focus on Cambodia and the Philippines’ Davao region. He emphasized the urgency of the matter by stating, “(NAP providers should) disconnect access to internet lines that are suspected of being utilised for online gambling activities, especially those based in Cambodia and the Philippines’ Davao, no later than 3 x 24 hours after the signing of this letter.”

Legal and Administrative Background

This request aligns with Law No. 36 of 1999 regarding telecommunications and follows a meeting of the Task Force for Eradicating Online Gambling. The meeting, chaired by Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (PPTAK) Coordinating Minister Hadi Tjahjanto on June 19, highlighted the growing concern over online gambling and the need for stringent measures to combat it.

Compliance and Monitoring

Minister Setiadi has also mandated that NAP providers report back on the steps taken to comply with the directive. This feedback will be crucial for further evaluations on the impact and effectiveness of the measures. The government aims to ensure that these efforts are not only implemented but also monitored and assessed for their long-term impact on reducing online gambling.

Recent Government Actions

This move follows a series of efforts by the Indonesian government to tackle online gambling. In May, Minister Setiadi reminded local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to align with government initiatives in blocking illegal online gambling sites. President Joko Widodo has also taken a firm stance, affirming that no social aid will be provided to online gamblers, thereby discouraging such activities further.

Conclusion: The Directive

The directive from Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi marks a significant step in Indonesia’s fight against online gambling. By cutting access to foreign internet lines suspected of facilitating these activities, the government aims to disrupt the operations of online gambling sites and protect Indonesian citizens from the associated risks. NAP providers are now on the clock to comply, and their actions in the coming days will be crucial in shaping the effectiveness of this initiative.

FAQs on Indonesian Minister Budi Arie Setiadi’s Directive to Block Foreign Internet Lines Linked to Online Gambling

1. What is the recent directive from Indonesian Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi about?

The directive from Minister Budi Arie Setiadi urges all National Access Providers (NAPs) in Indonesia to cut access to foreign internet lines, particularly those from Cambodia and the Philippines, which are suspected of being used for online gambling activities.

2. Why are the foreign internet lines from Cambodia and the Philippines being targeted?

These lines are specifically targeted because they are heavily suspected of serving online gambling sites that are operating in Indonesia, particularly those based in Cambodia and the Philippines’ Davao region.

3. When was the directive communicated to the NAP Service Providers?

The directive was communicated through an official letter dated June 21, 2024.

4. What is the compliance deadline given to the NAP Service Providers?

NAP Service Providers have been given a three-working-day period to comply with the directive.

5. What will happen if the NAP Service Providers do not comply within the given timeframe?

NAP Service Providers that fail to comply within the specified timeframe will face penalties.

6. What law does this directive align with?

The directive aligns with Law No. 36 of 1999 regarding telecommunications in Indonesia.

7. Who chaired the meeting that led to this directive?

The meeting was chaired by Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (PPTAK) Coordinating Minister Hadi Tjahjanto on June 19.

8. What additional steps has Minister Setiadi requested from NAP providers?

Minister Setiadi has requested that NAP providers report back to the government on the precautions and efforts they have taken to ensure compliance. This information will facilitate further evaluations of the impact of these measures.

9. What other actions has the Indonesian government taken recently to combat online gambling?

In May, Minister Setiadi reminded local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to synchronize with government efforts to block illegal online gambling sites. Additionally, President Joko Widodo has affirmed that there will be no social aid for online gamblers.

10. What is the primary goal of this directive?

The primary goal of the directive is to disrupt the operations of online gambling sites and protect Indonesian citizens from the associated risks of online gambling.

11. How will the government monitor compliance with this directive?

The government will monitor compliance through reports submitted by NAP providers detailing the actions they have taken. This will allow for further evaluations of the measures’ effectiveness.

12. What are the potential consequences for Indonesian citizens involved in online gambling?

Indonesian citizens involved in online gambling may face legal consequences and will not be eligible for social aid, as affirmed by President Joko Widodo.

13. Why is it important for NAP providers to comply with this directive?

Compliance is crucial to ensure that the government’s efforts to combat online gambling are effective and to avoid penalties that may be imposed for non-compliance.

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